of the All the Specials and Commentaries are in the last file of the year. There are 4 files for each year: jm=Jan-Mar; aj=Apr-Jun; js-=Jul-Sep; od=Oct-Dec WWN is a thought paper that was published monthly continuously from Jan, 1968 to the end of Dec. 2006 . by the Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Mississippi, Inc.(ALF), with William H. Grotheer as the Editor of Research & Publication. The Nov. 1977 issue discusses "What is the "Watchman, What of the Night?"
SHORT STUDIES - William H. Grotheer - top Interpretative
History of the Doctrine of the Incarnation as Taught by the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, An Bible
Study Guides End Time Line Re-Surveyed Parts 1 & 2 - Adventist Layman's Foundation Excerpts
- Legal Documents Holy Flesh Movement 1899-1901, The - William H. Grotheer Hour and the End is Striking at You, The - William H. Grotheer In
the Form of a Slave Jerusalem
In Bible Prophecy Key
Doctrinal Comparisons - Statements of Belief 1872-1980 Pope
Paul VI Given Gold Medallion by Adventist Church Leader Sacred Trust BETRAYED!, The - William H. Grotheer
Seal of God Seventh-day
Adventist Evangelical Conferences of 1955-1956 SIGN of the END of TIME, The - William H. Grotheer STEPS
to ROME Times
of the Gentiles Fulfilled, The - A Study in Depth of Luke 21:24 Remembering ~~~~~ OTHER BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS & ARTICLES: Additional
Various Studies -- Bible As History - Werner Keller Place of the Bible In Education, The - Alonzo T. Jones Facts of Faith - Christian Edwardson Individuality in Religion - Alonzo T. Jones Letters to the Churches - M. L. Andreasen "Is the Bible Inspired or Expired?" - J. J. Williamson Sabbath, The - M. L. Andreasen Sanctuary
Service, The So Much In Common - WCC/SDA Daniel and the Revelation - Uriah Smith Spiritual Gifts. The Great Controversy, between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and his Angels - Ellen G. White Canons of the Bible, The - Raymond A. Cutts Under
Which Banner? - Jon A. Vannoy TOP
Due to his failing health, Elder Grotheer requested that ALF of Canada continue publishing thoughts through its website www.AdventistAlet.com which developed into frequent Blog Thought articles plus all of the Foundation's historical published works written and audio. As of 2010, with the official closing of the ALF of USA , The Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada with its website www.Adventist Alert.com is the only officially operating ALF branch established by Elder Grotheer worldwide. We are thankful for the historical legacy that is now available through The Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada, info@AdventistAlert.com The MISSION of this site -- is to make available the articles from the thought paper "Watchman, What of the Night?" It is not our purpose to copy WWN in whole. Any portion of the thought paper may be reproduced without further permission by adding the credit line - "Reprinted from WWN, Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada." top {~~~} |
1 of 2 by
M. L. Andreasen p
3 -- THE
INCARNATION - Was Christ Exempt?
(title page) p
4 -- The word incarnation derives from the
two Latin words, in carnis, which mean "in flesh" or
"in the flesh." As a theological term, it denotes "the
taking on of the human form and nature by Jesus, conceived of as the
Son of God." In this sense John uses the word when he says, "Hereby
know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ
is come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesseth not
that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God." 1 John 4:2,
3. This makes belief in the incarnation a test of discipleship, though
doubtless more is meant than a mere belief in the historical appearance
of Christ. The
coming into the world of a new life - the birth of a babe - is in itself
a miracle. Infinitely more so must be the incarnation of the very Son
of God. It will ever remain a mystery beyond human comprehension. All
man can do is accept it as a part of the plan of redemption which has
been gradually revealed since the fall of man in the garden. For
reasons which we cannot fully fathom, God permitted sin. In doing so,
however, He also provided a remedy. This remedy comprises the plan of
redemption and is bound up with the incarnation, the death, and the
resurrection of the Son of God. It cannot be conceived that God did
not know what creation would cost Him; and the 'council of peace' which
decided the matter must have included provisions for every foreseen
contingency. Paul calls this plan "God's wisdom in a mystery, even
the wisdom that hath been hidden, which God foreordained before the
worlds unto our glory." 1 Corinthians 2:7. The
phrase "before the worlds" means before there was creation
of any kind. Thus the plan of salvation was not an afterthought. It
was "foreordained."Even when Lucifer sinned, the plan was
not fully revealed, but was "kept in silence through times eternal."
Romans 16:25 A.R.V. For this God gives no reason. Paul informs us "that
by revelation He p
5 -- (God) made known unto me the mystery . . . the mystery of Christ
which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is
now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit."
Ephesians 3:3-5. BECAME
are two words in the epistle to the Hebrews which are of interest in
this connection. They are "became" in verse ten of chapter
two, and "behoved" in verse seventeen of the same chapter.The
Greek word for became is prepo, and is defined as "suitable,
proper, fit, right, comely." Paul, whom we believe to be the author
of Hebrews, is very bold when he thus presumes to attribute motive to
God and declares that it is fit and right for God to make Christ "perfect
through suffering," Hebrews 2:10. He considers it "comely"
of God to do this; that is, He approves of it. In judging God, he emulates
Abraham who was even bolder than Paul. Misunderstanding what God intended
to do, Abraham counseled God not to do it. Said he, "Wilt thou
also destroy the righteous with the wicked?. . . That be far from thee
to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked. . .
That be far from thee. Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?"
Genesis 18:23, 25. Moses
also essayed to admonish God and instruct Him. When Israel danced about
the golden calf, God said to Moses, "Let me alone that my wrath
may wax hot against them and that I may consume them." Exodus 32:10.
Moses attempted to pacify God and said, "Lord, why doth thy wrath
wax hot against thy people? . . . Turn from thy fierce wrath and repent
of this evil against thy people." Exodus 32:11, 12. "And the
Lord repented of the evil which He thought to do unto His people."
Verse 14. We
readily see that in this interesting episode God was merely testing
Abraham, and giving him an opportunity to plead for the people. But
we also note that this illustrates God's willingness to talk over matters
with His saints; yes, and with those who are not saints. His invitation
to mankind is, "Come now, arid let us reason together." Isaiah
1:18 p
6 -- God is anxious to communicate with His people. Neither Abraham
nor Moses was rebuked for his boldness. BEHOVED
other word to which we would call attention is behoved. Speaking of
Christ, Paul says, "In all things it behaved him to be made like
unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest
in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of
the people." Hebrews
2:17. While became in verse 10 is a mild word, behoved in verse
17 (ophilo in Greek) is a strong word and is defined "under
obligation," "ought," "must," "should,""bound,"
"indebted," "duty," "owe." If Christ is
to be a merciful and faithful high priest, Paul says it behoves Him
"in all things" to be like His brethren. This is obligatory.
It is a duty He owes and must not avoid. He cannot make reconciliation
for men unless He takes His place with them and in all things becomes
like them. It is not a question of choice. He should, He must,
He ought to, He is under obligation to, He owes
it. Unless He has to struggle with the same temptations men do, He cannot
sympathize with them. One who has never been hungry, who has never been
weak and sick, who has never struggled with temptations, is unable fully
to sympathize with those who are thus afflicted. For
this reason it is necessary for Christ in all things to become
like His brethren. If He is to be touched with the feeling of our infirmities,
He must Himself be "compassed with infirmity." Hebrews 4:15;
5:2. Therefore, if men are afflicted, He also must be afflicted "in
all their affliction." Isaiah 63:9. Christ Himself testifies: "I
was not rebellious, neither turned away back. I gave my back to the
smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not
my face from shame and spitting." Isaiah 50:5, 6. He "Himself
took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." Mattheww 8:17.
In nothing Christ spared Himself. He did not ask to be exempt from any
trial or suffering of man; and God did not exempt Him. p
7 -- every child of humanity; for He knows hunger by actual experience
and sickness and weakness and temptation and sorrow and affliction and
pain and feeling forsaken of God and man. He has been "tempted
in all points like as we are, yet without sin." Hebrews
4:15. It is Christ's partaking of men's afflictions and weaknesses which
enables Him to be the sympathizing Saviour that He is. WAS
these reflections in mind, we read with astonishment and perplexity,
mingled with sorrow, the false statement in "Questions on Doctrine,"
P. 383 that Christ was "exempt from the inherited passions and
pollutions that corrupt the natural descendants of Adam." To appreciate
the import of this assertion, we need to define "exempt" and
"passions." The
College Standard Dictionary defines exempt: "to free or excuse
from some burdensome obligation; free, clear or excuse from some restriction
or burden." Webster's New World Dictionary, College Edition
defines exempt: "to take out, deliver, set free as from a rule
which others must observe; excuse, release...freed from a rule,
obligation, etc., which binds others; excused, released. . .
exemption implies a release from some obligation or legal requirement,
especially when others are not so released." Passion
is defined: "originally suffering or agony...any of the emotions
as hate, grief, love, fear, joy; the agony and sufferings of Jesus during
the crucifixion or during the period following the Last Supper. Passion
usually implies a strong emotion that has an overpower.ng or compelling
effect." Passion is an inclusive word. While originally it has
reference to sorrow, suffering, agony, it is not confined to these meanings
nor to passions of the flesh only, but includes all man's emotions as
mentioned above, as well as anger, sorrow, hunger, pity; it includes,
in fact, all temptations that incite men to action. To take these emotions
away from a man, to exempt him from all temptation, results in a creature
less than a man, a kind of no-man, a shadow man, a non-entity, which
Markham calls. p
8 -- a "brother to the ox." Temptations are the character-building
ingredients of life for good or ill, as man re-acts to them. If
Christ was exempt from the passions of mankind, He was different from
other men, none of whom is so exempt. Such teaching is tragic, and completely
contrary to what Seventh-day Adventists have always taught and believed.
Christ came as a man among men, asking no favors and receiving no special
consideration. According to the terms of the covenant He was not to
receive any help from God not available to any other man. This was a
necessary condition if His demonstration was to be of any value and
His work acceptable. The least deviation from this rule would invalidate
the experiment, nullify the agreement, void the covenant, and effectively
destroy all hope for man. Satan's
contention has always been that God is unjust in requiring men to keep
the law, and doubly unjust in punishing them for not doing what cannot
be done, and what no one has ever done. His claim is that God ought
at least to make a demonstration to show that it can be done,
and done under the same conditions to which men are subject. Noah, Job,
Abraham, David - all were good men, but all failed to come up to God's
high standard. "All men have sinned," says Paul. Romans 3:23. God
was not moved by Satan's challenge; for long before, even from eternity,
God had decided upon His course of action. Accordingly, when the time
came, God sent "his own son, in the likeness of sinful flesh and
for sin, and condemned sin in the flesh." Romans 8:3. Christ did
not condone sin in the flesh; He condemned it, and in
so doing upheld the power and authority of the law. By dying on the
cross He further enforced the law by paying the penalty required for
its transgression, and upheld the infliction of its penalty by paying
its demand, He was now in position to forgive without being accused
of ignoring the law or setting it aside. When
it became evident that God intended to send His Son and in Him demonstrate
that man can keep the law, Satan knew that this would constitute the
crisis, and that he must p
9 -- overcome Christ or perish. One thing greatly concerned him;
Would Christ come to this earth as a man with the limitations, weaknesses
and infirmities which men had brought upon themselves because of excesses?
if so, Satan believed he might overcome Him. If God should exempt
Him from the passions that corrupt the natural descendants of Adam,
he could claim that God played favorites, and the test was invalid.
In the following quotations we have God's answer; "God
permitted His son to come, a helpless babe, subject to the weakness
of humanity. He permitted Him to meet life's perils in common with every
human soul, to fight the battle as every child of humanity must fight
it, at the risk of failure and eternal loss." The Desire of
Ages, p. 49" Many
claim that it was impossible for Christ to be overcome by temptation.
Then He could not have been placed in Adam's position . . . our Savior
took humanity with all its liabilities. He took the nature of man with
the possibility of yielding to temptation." The Desire of Ages,
p. 117 "The
temptations to which Christ was subject were a terrible reality. As
a free agent he was placed on probation with liberty to yield to Satan's
temptations and work at cross purposes with God. If this were not so,
if it had not been possible for Him to fall, He could not have been
tempted in all points as the human family is tempted. The Youth's
Instructor, Oct. 26,1899. "When
Adam was assailed by the tempter, none of the effects of sin was upon
him. He stood in the strength of perfect manhood, possessing the full
vigor of mind and body. ..It was not thus with Jesus when He entered
the wilderness to cope with Satan. For four thousand years the race
had been decreasing in physical strength, in mental power, in moral
worth; and Christ took upon Him the infirmities of degenerate humanity.
Only thus could He rescue man from the lowest depth of his degradation."
The Desire of Ages, p. 117 Christ
"vanquished Satan in the same nature over which Satan obtained
the victory. The enemy was overcome by Christ in His human nature. The
power of the Savior's Godhead was hiddenHe overcame in human nature
relying upon God for power. This is the privilege of all." The
Youth's Instructor, April 25, 1901. "Letters
have been coming in to me, affirming that Christ could not have had
the same nature as man, for if he had, He would have fallen under similar
temptations, If he did not have man's nature, He could not be our example,
If he was not a partaker of our nature, He could not have been tempted
as man has been, If it were not possible for Him to yield to temptations,
He could not be our helper. It was a solemn reality that Christ came
to fight the battle as man, in man's behalf. His temptation and victory
tell us that humanity must copy the Pattern; men p
10 --
must become a partaker of
the divine nature." Review, February 18, 1890. "Christ
bore the sins and infirmities of the race as they existed when he came
to the earth to help man. ...He took human nature, and bore the infirmities
of the degenerate race." The Temptations of Christ, pp.
30,31. If
Christ had been exempt from passions, He would have been unable to understand
or help mankind. It, therefore, bahoved Him " in ail things to
be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful
high priest . . . for in that he himself hath suffered, being tempted,
he is able to succor them that are tempted." Hebrews 2:17, 18.
A Savior who has never been tempted, never has had to battle with passions,
who has never "offered up prayers and supplications with strong
crying and tears unto him who was able to save him from death,"
who "though he were a son" never learned obedience by the
things He suffered, but was "exempt" from the very things
that a true Savior must experience: such a savior is what this new theology
offers us. It is not the kind of Savior I need, nor the world. One who
has never struggled with passions can have no understanding of their
power, nor has he ever had the joy of overcoming them. If God extended
special favors and exemptions to Christ, in that very act He disqualified
Him for His work. There can be no heresy more harmful than that here
discussed. It takes away the Savior I have known and substitutes for
Him a weak personality, not considered by God capable of resisting and
conquering the passions which He asks men to overcome. It
is, of course, patent to all, that no one can claim to believe the Testimonies
and also believe in the new theology that Christ was exempt from human
passions. It is one thing or the other. The denomination is now called
upon to decide. To accept the teaching of Questions on Doctrine
necessitates giving up faith in the Gift God has given this people.
may interest the reader to know how these new doctrines came to be accepted
by the leaders, and how they came to be included in Questions on
Doctrine, and thus receive official standing. p
11 -- The question of the nature of Christ while in the flesh is
one of the foundation pillars of Christianity. On this doctrine hangs
the salvation of man. The apostle John makes it a deciding factor by
saying, "Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come
in the flesh, is of God. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus
Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God." 1 John 4:2 ,3. In
what kind of flesh did Jesus come to this earth? We repeat a quotation
which we have given above: "Christ took upon Him the infirmities
of degenerate humanity. Only thus could He rescue man from the lowest
depth of his degradation." The Desire of Ages, p. 117. Only
as Christ placed Himself on the level of the humanity He had come to
save, could He demonstrate to men how to overcome their infirmities
and passions. If the men with whom He associated had understood that
He was exempt from the passions with which they had to battle,
His influence would immediately have been destroyed and He would be
reckoned a deceiver. His pronouncement, "I have overcome the world,"
(John 16:33) would be accepted as a dishonest boast; for without passions
He had nothing to overcome. His promise that "to him that overcometh
will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame
and am set down with my Father in his throne," (Revelation 3:21)
would be met by the claim that if God would exempt them from
passions, they also could do what Christ had done. That
God exempted Christ from the passions that corrupt men, is the acme
of all heresy. It is destruction of all true religion and completely
nullifies the plan of redemption, and makes God a deceiver and Christ
His accomplice. Great responsibility rests upon those who teach such
false doctrine to the destruction of souls. The truth, of course, is
that God "spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us"
(Romans 8:32); rather, because His nature was sensitive to the least
slight or disrespect or contempt, His tests were harder and His temptations
stronger than any we have to endure. He resisted "even unto blood."
No, God did not spare or exempt Him. In His agony He "offered up
prayers and supplicatians with strong crying and tears unto Him that
was able to p
12 -- save Him
from death, and was heard in that he feared." Hebrews 5:7. "Though
he were a son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered."
Verse 8. In
view of all this, we repeat the question, how did this God-dishonoring
doctrine find its way into this denomination? Was it the result of close
and prayerful study by compentant men over a series of years, and were
the final conclusions submitted to the denomination in public representative
meetings, advertised beforehand in the Review giving the details
of what changes were contemplated, as the denomination has voted as
proper procedure? None of these things were done. An anonymous book
appeared, and men were judged and the brakes tightened on anyone who
objected. Here
is the story of how these new doctrines found their way into the denomination
as reported by Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse, editor of the religious journal,
Eternity, in September, 1956, issue of his magazine, later issued
as a copyrighted article entitled "Are Seventh-day Adventists Christians?"
With permission we quote from this article. We may inject that Dr. Barnhouse
advises us that the entire content of the article was submitted to the
Adventist brethren for approval before publication. The fact that this
report has been in print for nearly three years and no correction or
protest has been forthcoming from our leaders would strongly argue that
they accept the truthfulness of the account. Dr.
Barnhouse reports that "a little less than two years ago it was
decided that Mr. Martin should undertake research in connection with
Seventh-day Adventism." Mr. Walter R. Martin was at that time a
candidate for degree of Doctor of Philosophy in New York University
and also connected with the editorial staff of Eternity. Wishing
to get firsthand and reliable information, Mr. Martin went to Washington
to the Adventist headquarters where he got in touch with some of the
leaders. "The response was immediate and enthusiastic." Mr.
Martin "immediately...perceived that the Adventists were strenuously
denying certain doctrinal positions which had been attributed to them. p
13 -- Chief among these were the question of the mark of the beast,
and the nature of Christ while in the flesh. Mr. Martin "pointed
out to them that in their bookstore adjoining the building in which
these meetings were taking place, a certain volume published by them
and written by one of their This
concerned particularly the doctrine of the mark of the beast, one of
the fundamental doctrines of the Adventist church held from near its
beginning. When the leaders discovered that Mr. Martin was correct,
they suggested to the officers that the situation be "remedied
and such publications be corrected." This was done. We are not
informed which publications were so "remedied and corrected,"
nor if the authors were notified before the changes were made; nor if
the duly appointed book committee was consulted; nor if the book editors
or the publishing house were agreeable to the changes. We do know, however,
that in the Sabbath school lessons for the second quarter of 1958, which
dealt with the book of Revelation, chapter by chapter, the thirteenth
chapter which discusses the mark of the beast was entirely omitted.
Chapter 12 was there, so was chapter 14, but there was no chapter 13.
The Sabbath school lessons had evidently been "remedied and corrected." It
is certainly anomalous when a minister of another denomination has enough
influence with our leaders to have them correct our theology, effect
a change in the teaching of the denomination on a most vital doctrine
of the church, and even invade the Sabbath schools of the world and
withhold from them the important lessons of Revelation 13. For our leaders
to accept this is tantamount to an abdication of their leadership. THE
14 -- But this is not all. Dr. Barnhouse reports that the same procedure
was repeated regarding the nature of Christ while in the flesh, the
subject with which we have been here dealing. Our leaders assured Mr.
Martin that "the majority of the denomination has always held (the
nature of Christ while in the flesh) to be sinless, holy, and perfect,
despite the fact that certain of their writers have occasionally gotten
into print with contrary views completely repugnant to the church at
large." If
our leaders told Mr. Martin this, they told the greatest untruth ever.
For the denomination has never held any other view than that expressed
by Mrs. White in the quotations used in this article. We challenge our
leaders, or anybody, to produce proof of their assertion. How grossly
untrue is the statement that certain writers got into print with views
"completely repugnant to the church at large." Mrs. White
was one of those writers who "got into print." Hear also what
our standard book, Bible Readings for the Home Circle, sold to
the public by the millions, has to say on the subject. I have before
me two copies, one printed by the Pacific Press in 1916, the other by
the Southern Publishing house in 1944. They both read alike. Here is
the accepted teaching by the denomination: "In
His humanity Christ partook of our sinful, fallen nature. If not, then,
He was not made 'like unto His brethren,' was not 'in all points tempted
like as we are,' did not overcome as we have to overcome, and is not,
therefore, the complete and perfect Savior man needs and must have to
be saved. The idea that Christ was born of an immaculate or sinless
mother(Protestants do not claim this for the virgin Mary), inherited
no tendencies to sin, and for this reason did not sin, removes Him from
the realm of a fallen world, and from the very place where help is needed.
On His human side, Christ inherited just what every child of Adam inherits
- a sinful, fallen nature. On the divine side, from His very conception
He was begotten and born of the Spirit. And this was done to place mankind
on vantage-ground, and to demonstrate that in the same way every one
who is 'born of the Spirit' may gain like victories over sin in his
own sinful flesh. Thus each one is to overcome as Christ overcame (Revelation
3:21). Without this birth there can be no victory over temptation, and
no salvation from sin (John 3:3-7)." Page 21. p
15 -- In explanation of how there writers "got into print"
with their views, our leaders told Mr. Martin that "they had among
their number certain members of their 'lunatic fringe,' even as there
are similar wild-eyed irresponsibles in every field of fundamental
Christianity." I think this is going too far. Mrs. White did not
belong to the "lunatic fringe" who got into print, nor did
the authors of Bible Readings. Our leaders should make a most
humble apology to the denomination for such a slur upon their members.
It is almost unbelievable that they should ever have made such statements.
But the accusation has been in print nearly three years, and there has
been no protest of any kind. I am humiliated that such accusations should
have been made, and even more so that our leaders are completely callous
in their attitude toward them. That
the reader may see for himself the original report of Dr. Barnhouse,
I append a copy of the reprint, "Are Seventh-day Adventists Christians?"
This is not the report in full, but only that part which relates to
the questions here discussed. Later I shall present other extracts. "A
little less than two years ago it was decided that Mr. Martin should
undertake research in connection with Seventh-day Adventism. We got
into touch with the Adventists saying that we wished to treat them fairly
and would appreciate the opportunity of interviewing some of their leaders.
The response was immediate and enthusiastic. "Mr.
Martin went to Takoma Park, Washington, D.C., the headquarters of the
Seventh-day Adventist movement. At first the two groups looked upon
each other with great suspicion. Mr. Martin had read a vast quantity
of Adventist literature and presented them with a series of approximately
forty questions concerning their theological position. On a second visit
he was presented with scores of pages of detailed theological answers
to his questions. Immediately it was perceived that the Adventists were
strenuously denying certain doctrinal positions which have been previously
attributed to them. As Mr. Martin read their answers he came, for example,
upon a statement that they repudiated absolutely the thought that seventh-day
Sabbath keeping was a basis for salvation and a denial of any teaching
that the keeping of the first day of the week is as yet considered to
be the receiving of the anti-Christian , 'mark of the beast.' He pointed
out to them that in their book store adjoining the building in which
these meetings were taking place a certain volume published by them
and written by one of their ministers categorically stated the contrary
to what they were now assert- p
16 -- ing. The leaders
sent for the book, discovered that Mr. Martin was correct, and immediately
brought this fact to the attention of the General Conference Officers,
that this situation might be remedied and such publications be corrected.
This same procedure was repeated regarding the nature of Christ while
in the flesh which the majority of the denomination has always held
to be sinless, holy, and perfect despite the fact that certain of their
writers have occasionally gotten into print with contrary views completely
repugnant to the Church at large. They further explained to Mr. Martin
that they had among their number certain members of their 'lunatic fringe'
even as there are similar wild-eyed irresponsibles in every field of
fundamental Christianity. This action of the Seventh-day Adventists
was indicative of similar steps that were taken subsequently. Martin's
book on Seventh-day Adventism will appear in print within a few months.
It will carry a foreword by responsible leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist
church to the effect that they have not been misquoted in the volume
and that the areas of agreement and disagreement as set forth by Mr.
Martin are accurate from their point of view as well as from our evangelical
point of view. All of Mr. Martin's references to a new Adventist volume
on their doctrines will be from the page proof of their book, which
will appear in print simultaneously with his work. Henceforth any fair
critticism of the Adventist movement must refer to these simultaneous
publications. "The
position of the Adventists seems to some of us in certain cases to be
a new position; to them it may be merely the position of the majority
group of sane leadership which is determined to put the brakes on any
members who seek to hold views divergent from that of the responsible
leadership of the denomination. "To
avoid charges that have been brought against them by evangelicals, Adventists
have already worked out arrangements that the Voice of Prophecy radio
program and the "Signs of the Times," their largest paper,
be identified as presentations of the Seventh-day Adventist church." In
closing this paper, I wish to re-emphasize certain salient facts: 1.
Questions on Doctrine, page 383, states that Christ was exempt.
The Spirit of Prophecy makes clear that Christ was not exempt
from the temptations and passions that afflict men. Whoever accepts
the new theology must reject the Testimonies. There is no other
choice. p
17 -- 2.
Mr. Martin was instrumental in having our teaching on the mark
of the beast and the nature of Christ in the flesh changed.
Similar changes were made in other books, but we are not informed what
those changes are. 3.
Our leaders have promised not to proselytize. This effectively will
stop our work for the world. And we have promised to report to Mr. Martin
those who transgress. 4.
We have been threatened to have the brakes applied to such
as fail to believe and follow the leaders. Such are characterized as
"wild-eyed irresiponsibles" and are said to constitute
the "lunatic fringe." 5.
We are appalled to learn that in some way these evangelical clergymen
have had enough influence with our leaders to cause the Voice of
Prophecy and the Signs of the Times to trim their sails to
"avoid charges that have been brought against them by evangelicals."
This is terrifying news. These organs are instruments of God, and it
is unbelievable that the leaders should permit any outside influence
to affect them. In this a great sin against the denomination has been
committed that can be blotted out only by deep repentance of the guilty
parties, or in lieu of this, that the men concerned quietly resign from
holy office. Our
members are largely unaware of the conditions existing, and every effort
is being made to keep them in ignorance. Orders have been issued to
keep everything secret, and it will be noted that even at the late General
Conference session no report was given of our leaders' trafficking with
the evangelicals and making alliances with them. Our officials are playing
with fire, and the resulting conflagration will fulfill the prediction
that the coming Omega "will be of a most startling nature." Seven
times I have asked for a hearing, and I have been promised one, but
only on the condition that I meet privately with certain men, and that
no record be given me of the proceedings. I have asked for a public
hearing, or if it is to be a private one, that a tape recording be made,
and that I be given a copy. This has been denied me. As I cannot have p
18 -- such a hearing, I am writing these messages which contain,
and will contain, what I would have said at such a hearing. Can the
reader surmise the reason why the officers do not want the hearing I
ask? I
am a Seventh-day Adventist, and I love this message that I have preached
for so long. I grieve deeply as I see the foundation pillars being destroyed,
the blessed truths that have made us what we are abandoned. The
next letter will be sent only to those who order it, so send name and
address. Extra copies of this or subsequent letters may be had at ten
cents each. I
am thankful to be in good health and wish the blessing of the Lord may
be with each reader. We have come to strenuous times, and it behooves
each to keep close to God in these perilous times. The Lord be with
you. (Signed,)
M. L. Andreasen - TOP
p 19 -- SERIES A -
20 -- Early in the summer of 1957 1 had placed
in my hands, providentially I believe, a copy of the minutes of the
White Board of Trustees for May of that year. For those who are not
familiar with this board, I may state that it is a small committee appointed
to have in trust the large volume of letters, manuscripts, and books
left by the late Mrs. E. G. White. In counsel with the officers of the
denomination, the board decides who is to have access to the material,
and to what extent and for what purpose; what is to be published and
what is not; and what material is not to be made available at all. Much
of the work of the committee consists in examining and editing these
writings and recommending for publication such matter as appears to
be of permanent value. This work is of great importance to the church,
for only that which is released by the board sees the light of day.
During her lifetime Mrs. White herself did much of the work of selecting
and editing, and in all cases she had the oversight of what was done.
All knew that whatever was published was under her supervision and that
it had her approval. The board now has taken over this work. TWO
to the White minutes, it was on the first day of May, 1957, that two
men, members of the committee which had been appointed to write the
book that came to be known as Questions on Doctrine, were invited
by the board to meet with them to discuss a question that had received
some consideration at a meeting the previous January. It concerned statements
made by Mrs. White in regard to the atonement now in progress in the
sanctuary above. This conception did not agree with the conclusions
reached by the leaders of the denomination in counsel with the evangelicals.
To understand this fully, and its importance, it is necessary to review
some history. p
21 -- The Adventist leaders had for some time been in contact with
two ministers of another faith, evangelicals, Dr. Barnhouse and Mr.
Martin, respectively editor and an assistant editor of the religious
journal Eternity, published in Philadelphia, and had discussed
with them various of our doctrines. In these conversations, as in the
numerous letters that passed between them, the evangelicals had raised
serious objections to some of our beliefs. The question of greatest
importance was whether Adventists could be considered Christians while
holding such views as the doctrine of the sanctuary; the 2300 days;
the date 1844; the investigative judgment; and Christ's atoning work
in the sanctuary in heaven since 1844. Our men expressed the desire
that the Adventist church be reckoned as one of the regular Protestant
churches, a Christian church, not a sect. The
two groups spent "hundreds of hours" studying, and wrote many
hundreds of pages. The evangelicals visited our headquarters in Takoma
Park, and our men visited Philadelphia and were guests of Dr. Barnhouse
in his comfortable home. From time to time other men were called into
consultation on such matters as the Voice of Prophecy and our
periodicals, all with a view of ascertaining what stood in the way of
our being recognized as a Christian denomination. After
long and protracted discussions, the two parties came at last to a working
agreement, and though the evangelicals still objected to a number of
our doctrines, they were willing to recognize us as Christians. We would
need to make some changes in some of our books in regard to the"mark
of beast" and, also, "regarding the nature of Christ while
in the flesh." Eternity, September, 1956. This was brought
to the "attention of the General Conference officers, that the
situation might be remedied and such publications might be corrected."
The corrections were made, and "this action of the Seventh-day
Adventists was indicative of similar steps that were taken subseauently."
Ibid. We are not informed what other books were "remedied and
corrected." The evangelicals published a report of their conferences
with the Adventists in Eternity from which the above quotations
are taken. Dr. Barnhouse states that they took the precaution to submit p
22 -- their manuscript to the Adventists so that no misstatement
or error might occur. The Adventists published no report. Even at the
General Conference session last year, the matter was not discussed.
Only a few knew that there had been any conferences with the evangelicals.
There were rumors that the Adventist leaders had been in conference
with the evangelicals, but that was considered by some only as hearsay.
The few who did know, kept their counsel. There seemed to be
a conspiracy of secrecy. Till
this day we do not know, and are not supposed to know, who carried on
the conferences with the evangelicals. We do not know, and are not supposed
to know, who wrote Questions on Doctrine, Diligent inquiry produced
no result. We do not know, and are not supposed to know, just what changes
were made, and in what books, concerning the mark of the beast and the
nature of Christ while in the flesh. We do not know who authorized the
omission of the thirteenth chapter in our Sabbath school lessons for
the second quarter of 1958, which deals with the mark of the beast.
Dr. Barnhouse reports that to "avoid charges brought against them
by the evangelicals," the Adventists "worked out arrangements"
that concerned the Voice of Prophecy and the Signs of tha
Times. What was "worked out" we do not know and are not
told. Should we not have a detailed report? We, of course, also wonder
how it came to pass that ministers of another denomination had any voice
or any say whatsoever in how we conduct our work. Have our leaders abdicated?
How is it that they consult the evangelicals and keep our own people
in the dark? WHAT
For a report of this we are confined almost entirely to the published
account in Eternity. The
subject that took up much of the time at the conferences was that of
the sanctuary. Dr. Barnhouse was frank in his estimate of this doctrine.
In particular did he object to our teaching on the investigative judgment
which he characterized as "the most colossal, psychological, face-saving
phenomenon in religious history." Later he called it p
23 -- "the unimportant and almost naive doctrine of the 'investigative
judgment"' and said that "any effort to establish it is stale,
flat, and unprofitable." Eternity, September, 1956. Dr.
Barnhouse, in discussing Hiram Edson's explanation of the disappointment
in 1844 says that the assumption that Christ "had
a work to perform in the most holy before coming to this earth. . .
is a human, face-saving idea (which) some uninformed Adventists . .
. carried to fantastic, literalistic extremes. Mr. Martin and I heard
the Adventist leaders say, flatly, that they repudiated all such extremes.
This they said in no uncertain terms. Further, they do not believe,
as some of their earlier teachers taught that Jesus' atoning work was
not completed on Calvary, but instead that He was still carrying on
a second ministerial work since 1844. This idea is also totally repudiated."
Ibid. Note
these statements: The idea that Christ "had a work to perform in
the most holy place before coming to this earth. . . is a human, face-saving
idea," "Mr. Martin and I heard the Adventist leaders say flatly
that they repudiated such extremes. This they said in no uncertain terms." I
think it is due the denomination to have a clear-cut statement from
our leaders if Dr. Barnhouse and Mr. Martin told the truth when they
heard our leaders say that they repudiated the idea that Christ had
a work to do in the second apartment before coming to this earth. This
question demands a clear-cut answer. ATTEMPTED
- Before reporting further what was done at the conferences let
us come back to the two men who on that first day of May, 1957, met
with the White Board of Trustees to seek their counsel and, also, to
make a suggestion. The men were well acquainted with the statements
made by Dr. Barnhouse and Mr. Martin, that the idea of Christ's ministry
in the second apartment in the sanctuary had been totally repudiated.
This had been in print several months at that time, and had not been
protested. The men, however, did not need the printed statement, for
both of them had had a part in the discussions with the evangelicals.
One of them in particular had p
24 -- taken a prominent part in the conferences, had visited Dr,
Barnhouse in his home, had spoken in Dr. Barnhouse's churches at his
invitation. He was one of the four men who really carried the load,
and the one chosen to accompany Mr. Martin on his tour of the west coast
to speak in our churches. He was held in high esteem by Dr. Barnhouse.
This feeling was mutual. About
the time when the two men first visited the vault, a series of articles
appeared in the Ministry which claimed to be "the Adventist
understanding of the atonement, confirmed and illuminated and clarified
by the Spirit of Prophecy." In the February issue, 1957, the statement
occurs that the "sacrificial act on the cross (is) a complete,
perfect, and final atonement for man's sin." This pronouncement
is in harmony with the belief of our leaders, as Dr. Barnhouse quoted
them. It is also in harmony with a statement signed by a chief officer
in a personal letter: "You cannot, Brother Andreasen, take away
from us this precious teaching that Jesus made a complete and all-sufficient
atoning sacrifice on the cross. . . . This we shall ever hold fast,
and continue to proclaim it, even as our dear venerated forefathers
in the faith. It
would be interesting if the writer would produce proof of his assertion.
The truth is, our forefathers believed and proclaimed no such thing.
They did not believe that the work on the cross was complete and all-sufficient. They
did believe that a ransom was there paid and that this was all-sufficient;
but the final atonement awaited Christ's entrance into the most holy
in 1844. This the Adventists have always taught and believed, and this
is the old and established doctrine which our venerated forefathers
believed and proclaimed. They could not teach that the atonement
on the cross was final, complete and all sufficient, and
yet believe that another atonement, also final, occurred in 1844. Such
would be absurd and meaningless. Paying
the penalty for our sin was, indeed, a vital and necessary part of God's
plan for our salvation, but it was by no means all. It was, as it were,
placing in the bank of heaven a sum sufficient and in every way adequate
for any contingency, and which could be drawn on by and for each p
25 -- individual as needed. This payment was "the precious
blood of Christ, as of a lamb, without blemish and without spot."
1 Peter 1:19. In His death on the cross Jesus "paid it all;"
but the precious treasure becomes efficacious for us only as Christ
draws upon it for us, and this must await the coming into the world
of each individual; hence, the atonement must continue as long as people
are born. Hear this: "There
is an inexhaustable fund of perfect obedience accruing from His obedience.
How is it, that such an infinite treasure is not appropriated? In heaven,
the merits of Christ, His self-denial and self-sacrifice, are treasured
up as incense, to be offered up with the prayers of His people."
General Conference Bulletin, Vol. 3, pp. 101, 102, Fourth Quarter,
1899. Note
the phrases: "inexhaustable fund," "infinite treasure,"
"merits of Christ." This fund was deposited at the cross,
but not "used up" there. It is "treasured up" and
offered up with the prayers of God's people. And especially since 1844
is this fund drawn on heavily as God's people advance to holiness; but
it is not exhausted, there is sufficient and to spare. Hear again:
"He who through His own atonement provided for them an infinite
fund of moral power will not fail to employ this power in their
behalf. He will impute to them His own righteousness. . . . There is
an inexhaustable fund of perfect obedience accruing from His
obedience . . . as sincere, humble prayers ascend to the throne of God,
Christ mingles with them the merits of His own life of perfect obedience.
Our prayers are made fragrant by this incense. Christ has pledged Himself
to intercede in our behalf, and the Father always hears His Son."
Ibid. When
we pray, in this very year of 1959, Christ intercedes for us and mingles
with our prayers "the merits of His own life of perfect obedience.
Our prayers are made fragrant by this incense. . . and the Father always
hears His Son." Contrast
this with the statement in Questions on Doctrine, page 381: "(Jesus)
appeared in the presence of God for us. . . . But it was not with the
hope of obtaining something for us at that time or at some future
time. No! He had already obtained it for us on the cross."
(Emphasis his.) Note the picture: Christ appears in the presence of
God for us. He pleads, but He gets nothing. For 1800 years He
pleads, and gets nothing. Does He not know that He already has it? p
26 -- Will no one inform Him that it is useless to plead? He Himself
has "no hope" of getting anything now or at any future time.
And yet He pleads, and keeps on pleading. What a sight for the angels!
And this is represented to be Adventist teaching! This is the book that
has the approval of Adventist leaders and is sent out to the world to
show what we believe. May God forgive us. How can we stand before the
world and convince any one that we believe in a Savior who is mighty
to save, when we present Him as pleading in vain before the Father? But
thank God, this is not Adventist doctrine. Hear this from Sister White,
as quoted above. "Christ has pledged Himself to intercede in our
behalf, and the Father always hears
His Son."
This is Christianity, and the other is not. Shall
we remain silent under such conditions? Says Sister White: "For
the past fifty years every phase of heresy has been brought to bear
upon us . . . especially concerning the ministration of Christ in
the heavenly sanctuary. ...Do you wonder that when I see the beginning
of a work that would remove some of the pillars of our faith, I have
something to say? I must obey the command, 'Meet it!"' Series
B. No. 2, page 58. Again:
"The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that
a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists,
and that this reformation would consist in giving up doctrines which
stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization.
Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles
of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would
be discarded. The fundamental truths that have sustained the work for
the last fifty years, would be accounted as error. A new organization
would be established. Books of a new order would be written.
A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced.. . . Nothing
would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement."
Ibid, pp. 54, 55. "Shall
we keeip silent for fear of hurting their feelings? . . . Shall
we keep silent for fear of injuring THE
doubt that the Adventist leaders were fully aware of the many references
in Mrs. White's works to the atonement p
27 -- now in progress in the heavenly sanctuary since 1844. If they
were, how would they have dared to take the position they did in regard
to the sanctuary question? This idea finds support in tne apparent surprise
of the two men who visited the vault and stated that in their research
they had "become acutely aware of the E. G. White statements which
indicate that the atoning work of Christ is now in progress in the heavenly
sanctuary." Minutes, May 1, 1957, page 1483. Why did they
become acutely aware? The discovery seemed to surprise them. In using
the plural, statements, they admit of more than one reference. I do
not know how many they found. I have found seventeen, and there are
doubtless others. And why did they use the word "indicate"?
Sister White does more than indicate. She makes definite pronouncements.
Here are some of them: "At
the termination of the 2300 days, in 1844, Christ entered the most holy
place of the heavenly sanctuary, to perform the closing work of atonement,
preparatory to His coming." Great Controversy, p. 422. "Christ
had only completed one part of His work as our Intercessor to enter
upon another portion of the work, and He still pleaded His blood before
the Father in behalf of sinners." Ibid. 429. At "the
opening of the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, in 1844
(as) Christ entered there to perform the closing work of the atonement.
They saw that He was now officiating before the ark of God, pleading
His blood in behalf of sinners. Ibid, p. 433. "Christ
is represented as continually standing at the altar, momentarily
offering up the sacrifice for the sins of the world. . . A Mediator
is essential because of the continual commission of sin. . .
Jesus presents the oblation offered for every offence and every
shortcoming of the sinner." Manuscript. 50, 1900. These
statements are definite. It was at the end of the 2300 days, in 1844,
that Christ entered the most holy "to perform the closing work
of the atonement." "He had ONLY COMPLETED ONE PART OF HIS
WORK as our intercessor," in the first apartment. Now He "enters
upon another portion of the work." He pleads "His blood before
the Father." He is "continually standing at the altar."
This is necessary "because of the continual commission of sin."
"Jesus presents the oblation for every offence and every shortcoming
of the sinner. This argues a continuing, present atonement. He
offers up "momentarily." "Jesus presents the oblation
offered for p
28 -- every offence." "He ever liveth to make intercession
for them." Hebrews 7:25. It
is presumed that when the two men stated that they had "become
acutely aware of the E. G. White statements which indicate that the
atoning work of Christ is now in progress in the heavenly sanctuary,"
that they had read the quotations here given and perhaps others. In
view of this knowledge, what did they suggest should be done? Would
they change their former erroneous opinions and harmonize with the plain
words of the Spirit of Prophecy? No, on the contrary, they "suggested
to the trustees that some footnotes or Appendix notes might appear in
certain of the E. G. White books clarifying very largely in the words
of Ellen White our understanding of the various phases of the
atoning work of Christ." Minutes, p. 1483. Ponder
this amazing statement. They admit that Sister White says that "the
atoning work of Christ is now in progress in the heavenly sanctuary,"
and then they propose that insertions be made in some of Sister White's
books that will give our understanding of the atonement! They
were, however, only acting in harmony with the official statement in
Questions on Doctrine that when one reads "in the writings
of Ellen G. White that Christ is making atonement now, it should be
understood that we simply mean that Christ is now making application"
etc., page 354, 355. If
Sister White were now living and should read this, she would most certainly
deal with presumptious writers and in words that could be understood.
She would not concede the right of anyone, whoever he might be, to change
what she has written or interpret it so as to vitiate its clear meaning.
The claim which Questions on Doctrine makes that she means what
she does not say, effectively destroys the force of all she has ever
written. If we have to consult an inspired interpreter from Washington
before knowing what she means, we might better discard the Testimonies
altogether. May God save His people. Early
in this century when the fate of the denomination hung in the balance,
Sister White wrote: "Satan has laid his plans to undermine our
faith in the history of the cause and p
29 -- work of God. I am deeply in earnest as I write this: Satan
is working with men in prominent position to sweep away the foundations
of our faith. Shall we allow this to be done, brethren?" Review
and Herald, Nov. 12, 1903. Answering
her question, "shall we allow this to be done?" she says: "My
message is: No longer consent without protest to the perversion of truth.
. . I have been instructed to warn our peopie; for many are in danger
of receiving theories and sophistries that undermine the foundation
pillars of the faith." Letters to Physicians and Ministers,
Series B, No. 2, page 15. "For the past fifty years every phase
of heresy has been brought to bear upon us, to becloud our minds regarding
the teaching of the Word - especially concerning the ministration
of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary . . . But the waymarks which
have made us what we are, are to be preserved, and they will
be preserved, as God has signified through His Word and the testimony
of his Spirit. He calls upon us to hold firmly, with the grip of faith
to the fundamental principles that are based upon unquestionable authority."
Ibid. p. 59. "Do you wonder that when I see the beginning
of a work that would remove some of the pillars of our faith, I have
something to say? I must obey the command, 'Meet it.'" Ibid,
page 58. (Emphasis
supplied.) COME
the two men had suggested the insertion of notes and explanations in
some of the E. G. White books that would give the reader the impression
that she was not opposed to their new interpretation, they had another
suggestion to make. "This is a matter," they said, "which
will come prominently to the front in the near future, and (that) we
would do well to move forward with the preparation and inclusion of
such notes in future printings of the E. G. White books." Minutes,
p. 1483. I
leave to the reader to decide why the men were in haste to get the notes
and explanations into the Ellen White books. Could it be that doing
this would constitute a "fait accompli," an accomplished fact,
a thing that had already been done and which would be difficult or impossible
to change? This is an important consideration, for there is reason to
believe that things are happening to other of our books, and there is
a definite movement to change our doctrine in other p
30 -- matters. This should be further explored, before it is too
late. May
2 this is recorded in the Minutes: E. G. White Statements
on the Atoning Work of Christ - "The meeting of the Trustees
held May 1 closed with no action taken on the question which was discussed
at length - suitable footnotes or explanations regarding the E. G. White
statements on the atoning work of Christ, which indicate a continuing
work at the present time in heaven. Inasmuch as the chairman of our
board will be away from Washington for the next four months, and the
involvements in this question are such that it must have the most careful
consideration and counsel, it was "VOTED,
That we defer consideration until a later time of the matters that were
brought to our attention by Elders "x" and "y" involving
the E. G. White statements concerning the continuing atoning work
of Christ. Minutes of the White Board, p. 1488. It
was presumably four months later when Elder Olson had returned that
a vote was taken not to grant the request. This was eight months
after their first January meeting, by which time the matter had been
this situation came to my knowledge, I did a deal of praying. What was
my responsibility in this matter, or did I have any? I confided to no
one. I decided my first responsibility would be to the officials in
Washington, so I wrote to headquarters. I was there informed that I
had no right to the information I had. That was supposed to be secret,
and I had no right even to read the documents. After
four letters were passed, I was told that they did not care to discuss
the matter further. The matter was settled. When I inquired if this
meant that the door was closed, I received the reply: "I have considered
the matter to which you have referred as closed." As to the scurrilous
and untrue article in the Ministry., "I have discussed this
with the brethren concerned and would like to leave the matter there."
So the door was closed. Here
are some of the official pronouncements: "The of minutes are
confidential and not intended for ipublic use," If wrong is
committed, is it forbidden to expose it merely p
31 -- because some want to keep it confidential? "You
are doing this upon hearsay and upon confidential minutes which you
had no right even to read," No one ever talked to me of this
or informed me. I read the minutes and acted upon them. The minutes
are not hearsay. They are officially documented and signed. ".
. . you have no right even to read." When I have evidence
that to me seems destructive of the faith, am I to close my eyes to
what I consider premeditated attempts to mislead the people by the insertions
of notes, explanations, and appendix notes in the books of Mrs. White?
Is this officially approved? "I
wish to repeat what I wrote before, that men have a perfect right to
go to boards, including the White Estate group, and make their suggestions
without fear of being disciplined or dealt with as heretics."
was re-emphasized: "I re-affirm my former statement that I believe
these brethren were entirely in order in going to the properly delegated
and responsible individuals with any suggestion they had for study." This
makes it clear that the act of the two brethren is officially approved;
that they did not do anything for which they should be reproved, but
that they did what they had a perfect right to do. I do not think our
people will welcome this new principle. ".To
suggest that good and faithful Seventh-day Adventist men sat down to
tamper with the pillars of our faith is as far from fact as the poles
are apart: . . . tampering with the Testimonies, when no such thing
ever took place, nor was there any attempt ever made to do this." I
leave to the reader's decision just why the men went to the committee:
did they not come to have insertions, notes Appendix notes, explanations
made in "some of the E. G. White books"? While the committee
eventually decided not to do this, the guilt of the men is not changed
by that fact. To assert that as for "tampering with the Testimonies
(when) no such thing ever took place nor was there any attempt ever
made to do this," the Minutes speak for themselves. A
32 -- - This vault episode brings into focus a serious situation.
It is not merely a matter of two men attempting to have insertions made
in some of Mrs. White's books. A much more serious thing is that this
act had the approval of the administration, who stated that the men
had a "perfect right" to do what they did. This pronouncement
opens the way for others to follow, and as the matter is kept secret,
great abuse could readily result. Undoubtedly, if the matter is left
to a vote of the people, there will be no permission for any to tamper,
or attempt to tamper, with the writings of Ellen G. White. The
men who visited the vault May 1, as related, stated clearly that they
had discovered that Mrs. White taught plainly "that the atoning
work of Christ is now in progress in the heavenly sanctuary." On
the other hand, the Ministry of February, 1957, stated the very
opposite. It said that the "sacrificial act on the cross (is) a
complete, perfect and final atonement for men's sins." Questions
on Doctrine attempts to reconcile these opposing views by stating
that whether one "hears an Adventist say or reads in Adventist
literature - even in the writings of Ellen G. White - that Christ is
making atonement now, it should be understood that we mean simply that
Christ is now making application," etc. pp. 354, 355. It is clear
that if the atonement on the cross was final, there cannot be
a later atonement also final. When we therefore for a hundred years
have preached that the day of atonement began in 1844, we were wrong.
It ended 1800 years before. The hundreds of books,we have published;
the more than a million copies of Bible Readings we have sold;
the millions of hand bills we have distributed saying that it is "court
week in heaven," were all false doctrine; the Bible instruction
we have given the children and the young ministry and which they have
imbibed as Bible truth, is a fable. Uriah Smith, Loughborough, Andrews,
Andross, Watson, Daniells, Branson, Johnson, Lacey, Spicer, Haskell,
Gilbert, and a host of others stand convicted of having taught false
doctrine; and the whole denomination whose chief contribution to Christianity
is the sanctuary doctrine and Christ's ministry, must p
33 -- now confess that we were all wrong, and that we have no message
to the world for these last days. In other words, we are a deceived
and deceiving people. The fact that we may have been honest does not
alter the fact that we have given a false message. Take away from us
the sanctuary question, the investigative judgment, the message of the
2300 days, Christ's work in the most holy, and we have no right to exist
as a denominated people, as God's messengers to a doomed world. If the
Spirit of Prophecy has led us astray these many years, let us throw
it away. But
no! Halt! God has not led us astray. We have not told cunningly devised
fables. We have a message that will stand the test and confound the
undermining theories that are findirg their way in among us. In this
instance it is not the people that have gone astray except as they have
followed the leaders. It is time that there be a turn-about. It
is now more than four years ago that the apostacy began to be plainly
evident. Since that time there has been a deliberate attempt to weaken
the faith in the Spirit of Prophecy, as it is clear that as long as
the people revere the gift given us, they cannot be led far astray.
Of this we shall speak shortly. The time for action has come. The time
to open up the dark corners has arrived. There must no longer be any
secret agreements, no compact with other denominations who hate the
law and the Sabbath, who ridicule our most holy faith. We must no longer
hobnob with enemies of the truth, no more promise that we will not proselytize.
We must not tolerate leadership which condones tampering with the writings
entrusted to us, and stigmatizes as belonging to the lunatic fringe
those who dare disagree with them. We must no longer remain silent.
To thy tents, 0 Israel! Be
of good courage, brethren. The Lord still lives. We have a work to do.
Let us all work together. And let us not forget that our greatest strength
lies in close union with God, in prayer. Let us all dedicate ourselves
anew to Him. p
34 --Information on how to order this book.
36 -- - Years ago while traveling in northern Minnesota, I stayed
one week-end in a small town, as there was no train service on Sunday
and buses did not exist. I did not like to remain idle so I arranged
for the use of the Town Hall with the intent of holding a public service.
I posted a handwritten notice that I would speak in the afternoon on
the topic of "Seventh-day Adventists." I confess that I would
rather not have spoken, for I needed a rest. My posted notice would
certainly not draw many people. To
my surprise the hall was well filled. As the people showed interest
in the subject, I decided to appoint another service for the evening.
Promptly a well-dressed man arose in the audience, introduced himself
as the temporary pastor of the only church in town, and invited me to
come over to his church and speak in the evening. I reminded him of
my topic, but he stated that this was satisfactory and I could come
over and speak on Adventism. I thanked him and accepted the invitation. After
the meeting that night he told me that he was almost sorry he had invited
me. "When I heard you this afternoon," he said, "I thought
you were an intelligent man. Now I know you are not." "What
about Christ?" This
led to a conversation that lasted most of the night, and was very illuminating
to me. I was somewhat p
37 -- acquainted with his institution, and one of my teachers was
attending some classes there. "Do you teach your students what
you have told me tonight?" This
episode came to mind as I have considered the situation in our denomination
of late years. I have been uneasy since I first heard that our leaders
were negotiating with the Evangelicals; but I had hoped that the blandishment
of our church's being reckoned among the established churches as being
one of them would not appeal to our men. We had heard too many sermons
on the text, "The people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned
among the nations," to be deceived. Numbers 23:9. As the negotiations
were considered top secrets it was some time before any definite news
leaked out. When it did, it was disturbing. Washington furnished little
news, and all others informed me they had nothing to say. It seemed
apparent, however, our leaders were being influenced and steps were
being taken that would be hard to retrace. The
first authentic news did not come from our leaders or through our journals
but from an Evangelical publication dated September, 1956, which issued
a special edition with an account of what had taken place. This account
was so unbelievable that we hesitated to give it credence. We were sure
that what it reported had never taken place and that our leaders would
promptly issue a denial. We waited a year, we waited two. But until
this date, no protest or denial has been issued. Reluctantly, we must,
therefore, accept the account as true. Let us consider the situation
as it has developed. OUR
I read the Review from week to week, I find the articles generally
helpful. The contributors quote freely from the Spirit of Prophecy,
as do the editors and feature writers. There are times when I disagree
with certain positions which I consider unsound, but this is not often.
There are at times reports that savor of boasting, and at other p
38 -- times much stress is laid on statistics. But I have learned
not to take too seriously some minor matters. I read the Review
with confidence; I enjoy it. I can say the same for the Signs of
the Times. But
not so with the Ministry, our ministerial journal.. The general
articles are of the same kind and quality as the Review, but
this is not always so with the special features and editorials. Them
I must read carefully and critically. At times they contain what I consider
heresy and dangerous perversions of truth. This may seem a serious charge.
And it is so intended. I can best illustrate what I have in mind by
presenting a concrete example. THE
late years there has been a definite change of emphasis in the Ministry,
and not for the better. This change coincides with the period in which
our leaders have been in close contact and rapport with the Evangelicals.
The trend was in evidence before, but now has blossomed. As an example
of this, I shall call attention to an article in the February, 1957,
Issue entitled, "The Priestly Application of the Atoning Act."
It is claimed that it "is the Adventist understanding of the atonement,
confirmed and illustrated and clarified by the Spirit of Prophecy."
As it has not been renounced or protested, we may justly conclude that
it is officially approved. THE
author gives a short tribute to the "magnifying glass," the
Spirit of Prophecy, then goes on to state that the atonement "...Is
not, on the one hand, limited just to the sacrificial death of Christ
on the cross. On the other hand, neither is it confined to the ministry
of our heavenly High Priest in the sanctuary above, on the antitypical
day of atonement, or hour of God's judgment, as some of our forefathers
first erroneously thought and wrote." Ministry, February,
1957, p. 9. The author stresses the fact that the Spirit of Prophecy
clearly teaches that both these aspects are included, "one aspect
being incomplete without the other, and each being the indispensable
complement of the other." Ibid. That is, both the death
on the cross and Christ's p
39 -- ministry in the second apartment are necessary to atonement.
With this, we are in full agreement. The death was a necessary part
of the atonement. The one is incomplete without the other. This
point should be noted, for a few sentences further on the author will
say that the death on the cross is complete in itself; to quote:
"The sacrificial act of the cross (is) a complete, perfect
and final atonement for man's sin." Page 10. After having
first said that the sacrificial death was incomplete, he now says it
is complete, perfect, and final. He does not consider the death
merely as a partial atonement, but a complete and perfect
and final one. With this we disagree. The two statements are irreconcilable. This
is more than merely an unfortunate wording. While in the next paragraph
the author gives lip service to the need of a ministration in the sanctuary
above, he leaves out every essential feature of the atonement and omits
the dates which are essential to the Adventist concept of the atonement,
which justifies our existence as a denominated people with the message
for the world at this time. In
his explanation of Christ's work in the sanctuary, he does not refer
to or mention Daniel 8:14: "Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
Without this text, Christ's work in the sanctuary becomes meaningless.
He does not mention 457 B.C. or the 70 weeks, or the middle of the week
which pinpoints the time of the sacrifice on the cross, and is ".
. . as a nail in a sure place," (Isaiah 22:23) to which we fasten
the whole chronological scheme in prophecy and which also justifies
the date, 1844. Remove or change these dates, and Adventists are without
an anchor for the chronological system climaxing in 1844, and are unable
to justify their existence as a people who are to proclaim this most
important message to the world for this time: "Fear God, and give
glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come." Revelation
14:7. Every one of these dates the author leaves out, and what
remains, in the words of Dr. Barnhouse, "is flat, stale
and unprofitable." Eternity Extra, September, 1956,
p. 4. A
40 -- - In Questions on Doctrine, beginning at page
661, there is a section C consisting of collections from the writings
of Sister White on the subject of atonement, thirty pages in
all. It claims to be a "comprehensive assemblage" of Sister
White's teachings on the atonement. From the use of the word, "comprehensive,"
I expected to find a full and extensive collection. But in consulting
this material, I was disappointed in its paucity and one-sidedness.
I found it to be a very incomplete and meager collection, leaving out
numerous quotations that rightly belong even in a small compilation,
not to say a comprehensive one. And strangely enough, quotations that
were omitted were such as must on no account be left out. First
of all, I wanted to know what Sister White had to say of the date, 1844,
which is the "crisis year." I wanted to know if it had anything
particularly to do with the atonement, or if it could safely be left
out. I found that the author had omitted it. So I looked in turn for
other quotations, not one of which I found in the assemblage. I looked
for the statement: "At the termination of the 2300 days in 1844
. . . our great High Priest. . . enters the holy of holies, and there
appears in the presence of God, to . . . perform the work of the investigative
judgment, and to make an atonement for all who are shown
to be entitled to its benefits." This is said to be the "great
day of final atonement." Great Controversy, p. 480.
1 searched for this important statement in the comprehensive assemblage,
but it was not there. I looked for the parallel statement: ". .
. at the termination of the 2300 days in 1844, Christ entered the most
holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to perform the closing work
of atonement, preparatory to His coming." Ibid., p.
442. 1 did not find it. I looked for this statement: ". . . this
is the service which began when the 2300 days ended. At that time, as
foretold by Daniel the prophet, our High Priest entered the most holy,
to perform the last division of His solemn work - to cleanse
the sanctuary." I could not find it. I looked for the statement:
"The end of the 2300 days in 1844 marked an important crisis,"
Ibid. p. 429. 1 did not find it. p
41 -- I looked for other statements, such as: "The sacred work
of Christ (that) is going on at the present time in the heavenly
sanctuary, " ". . . the atoning work of Christ is now
in progress in the heavenly sanctuary," "Today
He is making atonement for us before the Father." Testimonies,
Vol. 5, p. 520; White Board Minutes,p. 1483; Mss, 21,
1895, quoted in Ministry, February, 1957, p. 30. I found none
of these. At
first I thought that this book, Questions on Doctrine, did not
have room for these texts, nor did the Ministry. But I had to
anandon this reasoning when I observed that it was only a particular
kind of statements that was omitted. The omitted quotations all clustered
about the important "crisis" date, 1844, the investigative
judgment, Christ's entering into the most holy for the final
atonement; His making atonement now; His making atonement
"today before the Father." These are the statements
that Dr. Barnhouse ridiculed and which he said our leaders had "totally
repudiated." He had also ridiculed Hiram Edson's experience in
the cornfield and had called the investigative judgment not only a "peculiar"
but a "human, face-saving idea," in fact "the most colossal,
psychological, face-saving phenomenon in religious history." Eternity
Extra, September, 1956, pp. 3, 4. And now we found all these offending
statements left out of the "comprehensive assemblage." Can
this be a mere coincidence? We
wonder what effect the ridicule of the Evangelicals had upon our leaders
and upon the author of the article in the Ministry, which we
are discussing. One thing that kept our men from going overboard, body
and soul, to the Evangelicals, was, doubtless, Mrs. White's writings.
She is very emphatic on the question of the sanctuary, and it would
not be easy to convert our people to the new view, as long as they had
the Testimonies to sustain them in the old position. The faith
of our people in the Spirit of Prophecy must be weakened, or better
yet, destroyed, before much headway can be made in bringing in the new
view. The Ministry article serves well for this purpose. It
was the editor, himself, who in his research had "become
acutely aware of the E. G. White statements which indicate that the
atoning work of Christ is now in progress p
42 -- in the heavenly sanctuary," White Minutes, p.
1483. This did not at all fit in with the new view that the atonement
was made on the cross, and so he suggested that "footnotes or Appendix
notes might appear in certain of the E. G. White books clarifying very
largely in the words of Ellen White our understanding of the various
phases of the atoning work of Christ." Ibid. And he suggested,
haste in the "preparation and inclusion of such notes in future
printings of the E. G. White books." When the plan became known,
it was abandoned. The author of the article in the February, 1957, Ministry
then took over and had the article printed which we are considering. NOT
author asks this question, "Why, in the early days, in the light
of all this, did not Mrs. White point out and correct the limited or
sometimes erroneous concept of some of our early writers concerning
the atonement? And why did she employ some of their restricted phrases
without contrasting, at the time, her own larger, truer meaning when
using them?" Ministry, February, 1957, p. 11. This
was the dilemma: Some of our early writers had erroneous concepts about
the atonement, the author claims. Sister White did not correct them,
but even used some of their own restricted phrases. How could this be
explained? The answer, which the author gives, is the most astonishing
and astounding answer that has ever been given to such a question. Hear
this: "In answer: it is essential that we first of all remember
this basic fact: No doctrinal truth or prophetic interpretation ever
came to this people initially through the Spirit of Prophecy - not in
a single case." (Emphasis his.) Read
those words again. And have in mind that this is an article which claims
to give the true meaning of the atonement, the official interpretation;
that it has the approval of the administration and that the editor passed
it. Also, it has not been retracted or changed. It stands. These
are bold words, almost unbelievable words, and utterly untrue words.
To assert that Sister White never, not p
43 -- even in a single case, initially contributed any doctrinal
truth or prophetic interpretation will not be believed by her thousands
and millions of readers who all have been benefited by her works. For
myself, I have been greatly helped and instructed by her doctrinal teachings
and prophetic interpretation. Even the author himself, who on page 11
of the February, 1957, Ministry, says, "We are fundamentally
Protestants taking the Bible only as our sole rule of faith and practice,"
in a signed letter the next month asserts, "I take the total Spirit
of Prophecy teachings on a given subject to be the "Many
of our people do not realize how firmly the foundation of our faith
has been laid. My husband, Elder Joseph Bates, Father Pierce, Elder
Edson, and others who were keen, noble, and true were among those who
after the passing of time in 1844, searched for the truth as for hidden
treasure. I met with them, and we studied and prayed earnestly. Often
we remained together until late at night, and sometimes through the
entire night, praying for light and studying the word. Again and again
these brethren came together to study the Bible, in order that we might
know its meaning, and be prepared to teach it with power. When they
came to the point in their study where they said, 'We can do nothing
more,' the Spirit of the Lord would come upon me. I would be taken off
in vision, and a clear explanation of the passages we had been studying p
44 -- would
be given me, with instruction as to how we were to labor and teach effectively.
Thus light was given that helped us to understand the Scriptures
in regard to Christ, His mission, and His priesthood.
A line of truth extending from that time to the time when we shall enter
the city of God, was made plain to me, and I gave others the instruction
that the Lord had given me." In
this case there was no human intermediary. Unless we are to believe
that Sister White did not tell the truth, she got her instructions from
above. In this case the instruction concerned "Christ, His mission,
and His priesthood," the very subjects we have now under consideration.
Whatever we may be, or not be, sure of, we know now that the instruction
that came to Sister White on the subject of Christ, His mission and
His priesthood came direct from God. This means that the sanctuary question
as our forefathers taught and believed it has God for its author. It
came as a result of a vision, which I do not believe can be said of
any other doctrine we hold. A
have reached a crisis in this denomination when leaders are attempting
to enforce false doctrine and threaten those who object. The whole program
is unbelievable. Men are now attempting to remove the foundations of
many generations, and think they can succeed. If we did not have the
Spirit of Prophecy we would not know of the departure from sound doctrine
which is now threatening us, and the coming of the Omega which will
decimate our ranks and cause grievous wounds. The present situation
has been clearly outlined. We are nearing the climax. I
am well aware that oftentimes visions were given to confirm previous
study. I am well aware that for some time Sister White's mind was "locked,"
as she expressed it, and that hence visions were given, as in the instance
here considered. She herself says that "for two or three years
my mind continued to be locked to an understanding of the Scriptures."
During that time the Lord gave visions. Then an experience came to her,
and she records, ". . . from that time to this I have been able
to understand the word of God." Ibid. p. 58. For "two
or three years" Mrs. White's mind was locked. p
45 -- This was evidently intended by God to strengthen their faith
in the gift; for the men knew that of herself she had no knowledge.
Then, when they came to the end of their knowledge and did not know
what to do, light came from a source of which they knew that of herself
she could not solve their problems. It was clearly the Lord's leading,
and they confessed it and "accepted as light from heaven the revelations
given." In
an attempt to protect himself, the author now turns completely around
and says that she frequently went "far beyond the positions taken
by any of the original advocates, and her counsels would often be so
clear, so full, and so far reaching that they proved to be far ahead
of the concepts of any of her contemporaries - sometimes fifty years
in advance of their acceptance by some." I wonder whom she copied
under such circumstances? In
composing the book, Questions on Doctrine, it became necessary
to do some research work in Sister White's published and unpublished
manuscripts to ascertain beyond a doubt just what she had said on various
matters. This work was turned over to the Ministry author who
reports as follows in the Ministry for February, 1957, p. 11:
The Ministry Report
"The further question has likewise arisen: 'Just why were these
counsels, clarifications, and expositions on the atonement, and its
priestly manifestations, not brought together for our use before this?'
The answer, we believe, is equally simple and straightforward and obvious:
No one had taken the time for the sustained effort involved in laborious.
comprehensive search necessary to find, analyze, and organize them. "Since
our leaders were largely unaware of this latent evidence and its priceless
value, the need was not felt, and the time required for such
a vast project was not considered available. Access to the complete
files of all the old periodicals containing Ellen White's two thousand
articles is not easy, for there is no complete file in any one place.
More than that, the priceless manuscript statements are not available
in published form. "Further,
as a church we have been so engrossed in giving our special message
to the world, in keeping with our complex movement rolling onward in
its multiple activities, that no one seemed to have the time p
46 -- or
even the burden for such a huge task.
It was known that the search would be a most laborious one because of
the vast amount of material that must be compassed. "However,
when the need clearly arose and the time for such a search had obviously
come, the necessity was recognized and the time taken to compass not
only the familiar book statements, but the vast array of periodicals,
articles, and manuscript counsels bearing thereon." It
will be noted that the author does not minimize the task that faced
him - and it was a great task. It is to be regretted that he
should take the opportunity to inform us that the leaders had not felt
the need of this work, did not have the time for it, and did not even
have any burden for it. It
was in this research that he discovered that Mrs. White did not contradict
or change what she said in the beginning of her work. The author puts
it in his peculiar phraseology that, "Mrs. White's later statements
do not contradict or change her earlier expressions." He had evidently
hoped that she had changed her position on the atonement, which position
he had criticized and attempted to explain by saying that she never,
not even in a single case, had contributed anything initially to doctrine
or prophetic interpretation. It is clear that if she intended to change
her position, she had abundant opportunity to do so in the sixty or
more years she lived after making her position clear on the atonement.
But she did not contradict or change what she had once written. This
is the testimony of the very one who had challenged her early position,
and who now is compelled to testify that she did not change. It is a
poetic justice that the author of the Ministry article should
be the one to testify after he had examined all the material there is
no evidence that she ever changed her mind or contradicted what she
had written earlier. This created another dilemma for our author. He
must now let stand all she had ever written, and could not argue that
she had authorized any change whatsoever. What then could he do or did
he do? A most unique solution he had: he calmly asserted that Sister
White did not mean what she said! Note again his peculiar use of
the English language, not a direct statement but a passive approach:
he says, "... p
47 -- a distinct clarification of terms and of meaning emerges
that is destined to have far-reaching consequences." Her later
statements "invest those earlier terms with a larger, truer meaning
inherently there all the time." And so he explains when she says
that Christ is making atonement (he is omitting the word now),
she is "obviously meaning applying the completed atonement
to the individual." Emphasis his. This
is in complete harmony with the statement in Questions on Doctrine
where the author boldly asserts that if any one "hears an Adventist
say, or reads in Adventist literature - even in the writings of Ellen
White - that Christ is making atonement now, it should be understood
that we mean simply that Christ is making application of the
benefits of the sacrificial atonement He made on the cross." This
is news indeed. I have written several books, one of them on the Sanctuary
service and hence these may come under what he calls"Adventist
literature." And now some unauthorized individual proclaims to
the world that when I say that Christ is making atonement now, I do
not mean it. I mean that He is making application, but not atonement
which was made 1800 years ago. However it is only a minor matter that
he presumes to act as my interpreter and tell what I mean by what I
say. But when he undertakes to tell the world that when Sister White
says Christ is making atonement she means simply that He is making application,
that is serious. God's reproof to Job when he was talking too much may
apply here: "Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without
knowledge?" Job 38:1. It is not often that God is sarcastic. But
here He is. Read verse 21. Job deserved it. And
so when I read, "...even in the writings of Ellen G. White,"
that Christ is making atonement, I am not to believe it. He made the
atonement 1800 years ago, not now; and even if she affirms that Christ
is making atonement now, that "today He is making
atonement," that "We are in the great day of atonement, and
the sacred work of Christ for the people of God that is going on at
the present time (1882) in the heavenly sanctuary should be our constant
study," I am still to apply to the interpreter to find out what
she means." p
48 -- Testimonies to the Church, Vol.5, p. 250. Such
is playing with words, it is playing with fire, and makes any interpretation
possible. If the author is right, I am permitted to take any word of
an author and say that he means something else than what he says. Such
makes inter-communication impossible, and the world a Babel. What would
agreements amount to, or contracts, or words of mouth, if I am permitted
to put my own interpretation on what another man says? The Bible says
that the seventh day is the Sabbath. That seems plain enough. But the
author's theory would permit me to hold that the Bible means no such
thing. Absurd, you say. And I say Amen. When the Bible says seven,
it does not mean one. With the author's philosophy, however,
words become meaningless. "Let your nay be nay, and your yea, yea,"
James says. That is, mean what you say. To make the plain statement
that "Christ is making atonement now" means that He
is making application now is indefensible on grammatical, philological,
theological, or common-sense ground. And to go farther and upon such
false interpretation build a new theology to be enforced by sanctions,
is simply out of this world. Undue assumption of authority coupled with
overconfidence in the virtue of bestowed honors have born fruit. And
the fruit is not good. The
present attempt to lessen and destroy confidence in the Spirit of Prophecy
and establish a new theology, may deceive some, even many, but the foundations
upon which we have built these many years, still stand, and God still
lives. This warning should not go unheeded: "If you lessen the
confidence of God's people in the testimonies He has sent them, you
are rebelling against God as certainly as were Korah, Dathan, and Abiram."
Testimonies to the Church, Vol. 5,. p. 66. In
an incomplete research which I conducted years ago I found what the
author found, and more. Among other things, I found in a small pamphlet
entitled, "A Word to the Little Flock," published by
James White in Brunswick, Maine, May 30, 1847, a statement by Sister
White on the sanctuary that immediately drew my attention. It is dated
April 21, 1847, and written from Topsham, Maine. On page 12, I found
these words, which I suppose our Ministry author also found.
Says Sr. p
49 -- White: "I
believe the sanctuary, to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days, is
the New Jerusalem Temple, of which Christ is a minister. The Lord shew
(showed) me in vision, more than a year ago, that Brother Crosier
had the true light on the cleansing of the sanctuary, etc., and
that it was His will, that Brother C (Crosier) should write out the
view which he gave us in the Daystar, Extra, February 7, 1846.
I feel fully authorized by the Lord, to recommend that Extra to every
saint. I pray that these lines may prove a blessing to you, and
to all the dear children who may read them. Signed, E. G. White." I
lost no time to get a copy of that Extra and read it. As I write this
I have before me a photostatic copy of the Day-Star Extra for
February 7, 1846, and on pages 40 and 41 of that issue I read Brother
Crosier's article. After having discussed certain theories in which
he does not believe, Brother Crosier observes: CROSIER
again, they say the atonement was made and finished on Calvary when
the Lamb of God expired. So men have taught us, and so the churches
and the world believe; but it is none the more true or sacred on that
account, if unsupported by Divine authority. Perhaps few or none who
hold that opinion have ever tested the foundation on which it rests. "1.
If the atonement was made on Calvary, by whom was it made? The making
of the atonement is the "2.
The slaying was not making the atonement; the sinner slew the
victim. Lev. 4:1-4, 13-15, etc., after that the priest took the blood
and made the atonement. Lev. 4:5-12, 16-21. "3
. Christ was the appointed High Priest to make the atonement, and
certainly could not have acted in that capacity till after His resurrection,
and we have no record of His doing anything on earth after His resurrection
which could be called the atonement. "4.
The atonement was made in the sanctuary, but Calvary was not such a
place. "5.
He could not, according to Heb. 8:4 make the atonement while on earth.
'If He were on earth, He could not be a priest.' The levitical was the
earthly priesthood; the Divine, the heavenly. "6.
Therefore, He did not begin the work of making p
50 -- the atonement,
whatever the nature of that work may be, till after His ascension, when
by His own blood He entered the heavenly sanctuary for us." This,
then is the "true light," which the Lord showed Sister White
in vision, had His approval, and which she felt fully authorized to
recommend to every saint. Only as we downgrade Sister White can we reject
this testimony of hers. We not ready to do this. We
now face this situation: Did our Ministry author in his thorough
search find this statement that Brother Crosier had "the true light?"
If he did not find it, he has little ground to feel pleased with his
work. In either case, if I were a teacher and had sent him to do this
research work and he presented the collection in Questions on Doctrine
as his report, I would have to give him a straight F, which in school
language stands for Failure. It is either a case of poor research, or
of omission, which latter, under the circumstances, is most serious.
Letters to the
Churches - Part 2 of 2 ~~~~~ Letters to the Churches Letters to the Churches
- Part 1 of 2 P 3- THE
INCARNATION - Was Christ Exempt? P 19 - SERIES
to the Churches - Part 2 of 2 P 51 - SERIES
A - NO. 4 - A RESUME P 67 - SERIES